ミスミ学生ものづくり支援 特別支援枠をいただきました!Student Manufacturing Support by MISUMI, we received a Special support!


(English below)
昨年の11月にミスミものづくり支援に応募させていただきました。その結果発表が先日あり、なんとSAZANKA Roboticは特別支援枠を頂きました!(ミスミ学生ものづくり支援の詳細はこちらから!)

そして、SAZANKA Roboticは特別支援枠として10万円相当の商品を無償にてご支援いただくこととなりました!!

ミスミ学生ものづくり支援を進めてくれたメンバー(以降リーダーと呼びます)が支援の希望理由を時間をかけて、推敲してくれました。そのときは、ワークショップやSAKURA Tempesta(千葉の中高生ロボコンチーム)の発表会の参加などが重なり、忙しい時期でした。



written by こゆ

In November of last year, I applied for MISUMI Manufacturing Support.
The result was announced the other day, and we received a special support!
In MISUMI Student Manufacturing Support, in addition to the regular support (providing products worth 50,000 yen), teams that conduct particularly outstanding activities will receive a special support worth 100,000 yen for buying products to manufacture. And we have decided to support products worth 100,000 yen free of charge as a special support ! !
The members who promoted MISUMI student manufacturing support applied and took time to think about our reasons for wanting support.
At that time, we were busy with workshops and participating in presentations by SAKURA Tempesta (Chiba's robot contest team).

The document creation leader could not come to the activity site on the deadline for submission.
Therefore, I thought of it and asked the leader to check them on discord.

I was writing it there, so I got a lot of advice from other members who had tournament experience!
In the end, the leader had to repeatedly revise and submit until late at night, so we were very happy to receive a special support frame.

We are a team that has been in business for three years, and we have a lot of financial difficulties, so we are very grateful for this kind of support!
In the future, we will continue to work hard so that you can feel good about supporting us! !

written by Koyu


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