レゴでサンタさんを作りました/ I made Santa with Lego.
(English below)

がんばって歩いてくれたので、是非動画を見てあげてください!! ラプンツェルとアリエルたちも歩くのを応援してくれています♪
Written by こゆ
I made Santa with Lego at home today. It was a cute figurine that was perfect for winter!
I used the Lego that I bought a long time ago. I don't remember buying it.
So there were some missing parts, and Santa's one eyes missing....(-_-;)
The reindeer did his best to walk, so please watch the video!!
Rapunzel and Ariel are also supporting the reindeer to walk♪
I just finished my regular test this morning!!
I was hardly able to participate in the group activities during the test period, so I'm going to start practicing programming and other things from today!!
Written by Koyu