"FIRST LEGO LEAGUE"に参加しました!!/ We participated in the "FIRST LEGO LEAGUE"!!

(English below)

SAKURA Tempesta(千葉のFRCチーム)にお誘いをいただき、ファースト・レゴ・リーグ(FLL)の東京予選に参加しました!
小中学生を対象とした競技会なので、競技には参加していないのですが、私たちの出場するロボットコンテスト(FRC)のブースを設けていただき、SAZANKA Roboticsの紹介等をしました。

FLLの参加経験があるメンバー曰く、 「FLLの2段階くらい上がFRC。FLLより大きいことをやりたいならFRCはおすすめ」とのこと! 

レゴリーグを卒業したらFRCチームのSAZANKA Roboticsへお越しください!!

Written by こゆ

We was invited by SAKURA Tempesta (FRC team in Chiba) to participate in the Tokyo qualifier of the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE (FLL)!
FLL is the world's largest STEAM education program and competition for elementary and junior high school students.
Since it is a competition for elementary and junior high school students, we did not participate in the competition.
So we set up a booth for the robot contest (FRC) and introduced SAZANKA Robotics.

In FLL, participants create robots with only Lego blocks! It hurts when you step on them!
It's for elementary and junior high school students, so of course there are elementary school students, and I was shocked and thought "Did such a small child make this robot?”.
According to a member who had participated in the FLL, "FRC is about 2 levels above the FLL. If you want to participate in something bigger than FLL, I recommend FRC!"

To everyone who participated in the FLL: After graduating from the LEGO League, please come to SAZANKA Robotics of the FRC team!!

Written by Koyu

"FIRST LEGO LEAGUE"に参加しました!!/ We participated in the "FIRST LEGO LEAGUE"!!” に対して1件のコメントがあります。


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